Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Well it is odd timing but I was able to come into town today!  Three other volunteers (John from N.Y., Zack from Boston, and Yves from Quebec) and I were assigned the task of taking the trash into town.  We felt a little trashy doing it;) hehe. Then we loaded twenty bags of sawdust into the boat, which I am now covered in.  I am going to be quite random in my blog currently.  For example, the police just came into this internet cafe and is interrogating my friend for no apparent reason... i hope they don´t interrogate me because i do not have my passport on me.  oh well haha i´ve learned to go with the flow and love the adventures. Two nights ago i twisted my ankle on the way back to my room in this hole but just laid on the grass and looked at the moon with heather. Quite splendid actually haha. So we have three new volunteers now! Nard (pronounced Na-ca-td) from Holland (correction from last entry when i said poland), Max from Germany, and Duncan from Scotland.  They are all very funny and crazy. 

Yesterday I was a true amazon woman... machette and everything!  I went picking for fruit for the animals in the morning.  We had to knock papayas out of a tree with a long stick.  Then we hiked into the forest until we found these leaves the tapirs like.  We started machetting them off the ground (they are like a vine) and I apparently am allergic to them haha.  I started sneezing and couldn´t stop.  Then my face started to itch and my nose wouldn´t stop running.  I´ve never been allergic to anything so it was a weird experience.  Then we get on the boat and i found an ant burrowing into my skin.  I later found out there are ants that do this and if you try and take them out their head breaks off in your skin.  Thank goodness mine came out whole.  My task last night was bird watching.  We hike out about ten minutes or so and get onto a platform.  Not the most exciting thing, but very relaxing.

So this week our goal is to have a party every night and stay up late because 4 volunteers are leaving this weekend.  I have only been here a week but it will hurt saying goodbye to people.  I feel like I have known them for so long. 

Heather and I have been labeled the "crazy american girls" haha.  No one minds our crazy free spiritedness though.  They tell us that we are their entertainment.  It´s crazy because we are so similar that we say stuff at the same time and finish each others sentences and such.  Tina said sometimes we are just like one person haha.  Last night we entertained ourselves for bout 30 minutes with a piece of rope.  We pretended to be calfs and the other a cowboy and rope them down like in a rodeo.  It was probably a had to be there moment but I just thought i´d type it anyways hehe.


  1. okay so i'm going to comment on each of your posts so i can feel like i am living vicariously through you. Three things came to mind when I was reading this
    1. Ants that burrow into your skin!?!?!?!? how are you not freaking out about this. and what happens if the head breaks off? does it decompose in your arm or just get a nasty infection? Okay, i'm sorry that was negative and I dont' want to ruin this experience, so let me just say i hope that doesn't happen to you.

    2. Of course you and heather are the crazy americans. that's a no brainer. :]

    3. I miss you and I hope you are having tons of fun, even though im sure you are. Keep blogging so i feel like im talking to you...even though im kind of not. :]
    Love ya!
    Kylie - your awesome senate sister.

  2. Andy posting from Jan's machine.

    Good to read about the sawdust, burrowing ants, twisted ankles and all. Hardships and adversity make you strong...and interesting.

    Keep the posts coming...loving hearing about what the crazy Yanks are up to.
